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تفاصيل السؤال

تم إدراج هذا السؤال باللغة الانجلينزية، الرجاء تحويل لغة الموقع لعرض السؤال بالشكل المطلوب.



21/09/2022 08:44:05 ص

I have been constipated for more than 2 months now. I can pass stool but in the morning but it's not that much like it's not normal and my stomach always hurt. What should i do please help. Thank you so much 🙏



بواسطة: Dr. Fatima Hubail

21/09/2022 03:59:37 م

Thank you for joining us

Increase your fiber intake.
Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables each day.
Exercise most days of the week.
Don't ignore the urge to have a bowel movement.
Drink plenty of fluids.
Try to manage stress.

With wishes for health and wellness

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