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تم إدراج هذا السؤال باللغة الانجلينزية، الرجاء تحويل لغة الموقع لعرض السؤال بالشكل المطلوب.

Need natural therapy sessions in ibn sina health center


03/04/2024 10:21:57 ص

I have pain in my knees even i undergo an x ray in Hoora health centre that proved there is no inflammation or hurt . The doctor ordered me to get appointements inIbn sina health center for sessions of natural therapy . I need to know about the doctor there responsible to book with my appointment please



بواسطة: Dr. Fatima Hubail

09/04/2024 09:21:40 ص

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Please inquire through the Tawasul platform through
or visit the thealth centre for inquiries

With wishes for health and wellness

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