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تفاصيل السؤال

تم إدراج هذا السؤال باللغة الانجلينزية، الرجاء تحويل لغة الموقع لعرض السؤال بالشكل المطلوب.

I have made body test on monday1/4/23 , now i would like to know do i need to go to health center by taking an appointment to get my my medical result or i will get it in online?


05/04/2024 08:38:05 م

I have made body test on monday1/4/23 , now i would like to know do i need to go to health center by taking an appointment to get my my medical result or i will get it in online?



بواسطة: Ali Alaradi

07/04/2024 01:09:59 م

Thank you for joining us

For health centers appointments please call 80007000 or through SEHATI application

With wishes for health and wellness

البحث عن المراكز الصحية

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