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Lower back pain to my neck and shoulders


08/04/2024 03:33:26 م

I have been dealing with lower back pain for almost 2 months now the pain goes from my lower back all the way hits my neck and shoulders. I am a national team bowler and i go to alot of competitions through out the year i carry 15pounds bowling balls nit daily but 3 times a week. Also i work in the office for 8 or more hours seated which also affects my back. Pain is unbearable i can bend but cant arch backwards alot or rotate my body only maybe to some limitation. Ive been taking olfen 100 to cope with the pain or hot patches and ice packs to ease the pain. Is this any cause of concern?



بواسطة: Ali Alaradi

09/04/2024 09:44:20 ص

Thank you for joining us

Please consult your treating physician for clinical assessment of your condition.

With wishes for health and wellness

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